Thursday, September 25, 2008

Me too!

Thanks for the invite - what a great idea for a blog! I've been reading a lot lately but it's all been pregnancy related - my fave so far being Up the Duff by Kaz Cooke and my least fave being the poo chart from the hospital - what is up with that! Seriously, a chart? With pictures? However, I have been stockpiling books as I come across them in anticipation of moments to myself in between nappies and feeding...please tell me these moments exist! One thing I picked up the other day was the 2006 Pulitzer fiction winner March by Geraldine Brooks, a love story set during the American Civil War - totally not something that would normally grab my attention. American history strikes me as dull and overtelevised. The other was Kate Morton's The Forgotten Garden - I read her first novel The Shifting Fog and thought that was a good involving sort of a read, the kind of thing that sweeps you up and makes you forget reality. That's been my thing the last few months - relationship-oriented things that take me away from the everyday.

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